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Tag: Content Marketing Conference

Danny Devriendt

Danny Devriendt: stories and how social becomes a currency

At i-SCOOP's Content Marketing Conference 2014 in Brussels, Belgian speaker Danny Devriendt presented a keynote, titled "The Horse’s Ass: how social becomes a currency"....
Doug Kessler

Doug Kessler: cowardice is crippling to any content marketing program

There is a lot to be said about Doug Kessler. His content marketing views are great. His writing is amazing. His SlideShare presentations are…...
Joakim Ditlev: "There’s no such thing as a European market when it comes to content marketing"

Content Marketing Europe: thoughts, a conference and a quest for cases

When covering the state of content marketing in Europe in several posts, one thing struck us: despite many surveys it's highly unclear how content...