Choice is a powerful word. In fact, we often talk about the power of choice and sometimes I think we get confused about it. We miss the point that the power actually resides in having the ability to make a choice and not in what that choice may lead to. In other words, we think it’s powerful because of the rewards it avails us, but really what is powerful is the fact that we can make a choice – any choice, good or bad.
At the core of accepting the cross-channel consumer reality is the acknowledgment that choice may be most sought after and most desired among humans. Money, power and fame all carry with them the explicit message that they confer the power of choice – If I’m rich I can choose to do whatever I want with my time.
Your company probably offers a number of solutions or products, right? Do you offer that because you just couldn’t make your mind up about which model was the best one? One good reason for having a selection of models is the simple fact that choice is good.

Choice is a powerful marketing message for any brand
Giving people the choice in how they interact with your company is as basic and should be as obvious as offering them a choice of models. Combining traditional channels with mobile and social ones and optimizing all of them to give control to the consumer is in and of itself an extremely strong message which states that you are giving your customers the power to make the choices which suit them and not just offering what suits you.
As mobile technology provides people with more time flexibility, they will desire more options and demand brands give them the right to decide when, where and how they communicate and interact with you. Soon this will become an expectation and people will take it for granted that any corporation which wants their business also wants them to choose how they do that business.
Is it time to make some choices and take action? You have the power of choice to give your customers that same freedom or simply watch as they choose alternatives.
This blog was originally published on Social Marketing Forum (read more here) and has moved as part of an integration. Join the community and author on LinkedIn.