We previously interviewed Paper.li’s Kelly Hungerford, one of the speakers at our Content Marketing Conference 2014. In the interview Kelly provided some excellent tips and experience-based lessons you should really check out.
At the event, Kelly shares her experiences with attendees. Furthermore, you can pick her brains and really ask anything to get started.
We asked Kelly Hungerford to share a practical tip as a preview to her presentation.
Kelly Hungerford: Create 101 level content. Unless you are writing for a specific niche which requires very technical terminology, keep your language basic and easy to understand for native and non-native speakers.
For content to be useful it needs to be not only helpful, but also understandable. Whether your content is to support existing users or attract potential customers, keep your language clear and concise. Check your vocabulary and eliminate unnecessary “fluff” and complex words. If you’re not sure if your writing is too complex, then it probably is. If you don’t have an editor, ask a co-worker or friend for a reality check.
If you are creating video or a screen cast and your voice is needed, speak two times more slowly than you would when speaking to a friend and exaggerate your expressions when you speak. This will help keep your voice animated throughout the video. It’s important to keep your vocabulary at a very basic level in video as well. Less is always more.
Written or spoken, the easier your content is to understand, the more helpful, appreciated and well received it is going to be by your audience.
As the theme of the conference is creating business value through customer value, using content marketing, we also asked Kelly Hungerford what is one of the most important ways that content marketing creates value for customers.
Kelly Hungerford: Being able to anticipate their needs. By providing answer to your customer’s questions, or doubts, before they have to ask makes you an unforgettable and valuable partner.
Kelly Hungerford’s workshop starts at 2.15PM, June 10, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Antwerp, Belgium.