Ingrid Archer joins us at the Content Marketing Conference Europe for the panel on content marketing in Europe. Her company, spotONvision, has been doing research on the state of content marketing in The Netherlands several times and Ingrid knows the local situation – especially in B2B – quite well.
Along with other panelists, who know the state of content marketing in their countries well, such as Joakim Ditlev (Denmark) and content marketers who know the European market (in comparison with other markets as well), such as Kelly Hungerford (as you can read in the interview where she already shares some of her findings on the state of content marketing in Europe) and AJ Huisman (who also has some opinions on the state of content marketing in Europe, as you can read here), Ingrid will discuss the adoption of content marketing in several European countries, including examples and findings.
We asked Ingrid to share a tip to do better in content marketing.
Ingrid Archer: Structure your marketing organization. With the overload of content and the new possibilities to cleverly run lead nurturing campaigns, the next challenge is to organize your team differently. On the one hand in order to coordinate your plans, your content and the execution of these plans. And on the other hand to ensure that your team has the right skills on board.
A marketing team needs more than just creative team members. With the growing possibilities of technology (marketing automation, dashboarding etc.) you need to add analytical marketers to the team.
Just as with most other speakers and panelists, we also asked Ingrid Archer what is one of the most important ways that content marketing creates value for customers.
Ingrid Archer: Offering content that adds real value. The content race for ‘volume’ is over. In the past years content marketers were (and still are sometimes) focused on producing as much content as possible. The biggest success of content marketing however is in companies where quality of content stands out, where quality wins over quantity.
Better one good piece of content than 10 superficial me-too-blogs. The best way to find out what a customer needs is to talk to the customer and prospect on a regular basis.