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Digital signage is part of many of the most used Internet of Things use cases. It is, for instance getting 'hot' in retail where digital signage can be used for many goals such as highly personalized messages to store visitors. Digital signage in a retail Internet of Things context is...
Digital transformation concept
IDC VP and Chief Analyst Frank Gens kicked off the 2017 series of IDC FutureScape forecast webinars with, among others a look at the trends in the IT industry. It was also a wake-up call regarding digital transformation. Whereas end 2015 IDC talked about the nascent digital transformation or DX...
Enterprise content management and business process workflow concept
Actionable data, information, knowledge and wisdon/action (yes, DIKW) are at the very center of the value ecosystem most enterprises claim to seek with digital transformation. As we know, digital transformation is happening everywhere and a large majority of organizations say they are in a digital transformation process. If you look at...