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Marketing technology concept
The people at marketing automation software vendor Marketo conducted research to look at 'newer' technologies and what their effect will be for marketers. US marketers are more pessimistic about the impact of new touchpoints on their engagement with customers, with 48% saying they are excited compared to 62% of international...
Trust is broken
Trust in major institutions, media, business, CEOs, government and social (to name a few) has sunk to an all-time low since Edelman started publishing its annual Trust Barometer in 2012. CEO credibility dropped 12 points globally to an all-time low of 37% (2017 Edelman Trust Barometer) People now see media as...
Social media and social networks have come a long way since the early days of Facebook and Twitter. Social media marketing has become part of virtually every integrated marketing approach and it's almost impossible to imagine a content marketing strategy without a social content marketing component (commonly known as...