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Happy New Year 2015 from i-SCOOP
The end of a year and - amazing coincidence - the beginning of a new year for many is a time to look back and feel a mix of joy, regrets, pain, gratitude and much more in a highly individual way. It's also a time to look forward and think...
Content marketing means many things to many people. How we're asking the wrong questions. A few years ago I wrote a piece on the commoditization of content (marketing) in a social jungle. In 2012 I took it a step further with a blog post on the ‘big content marketing fail’....
Yesterday afternoon I felt happy. Then I learned my mother has cancer. I broke. I know what it is to be broken. If there’s one thing I can truly call myself an expert in, it’s the human psyche and how people break and get up. By experience . It’s...