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Corporate performance management CPM concept
The face of corporate performance management is changing as new technologies, specifically in the scope of artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics to mine previously untapped corporate data and take future-oriented decisions, meet growing demands for better, more agile and more change-oriented enterprise-wide performance management approaches. The ways in...
IT and OT debate at IoT Solutions World Congress 2017 with HPE and SAS - picture Twitter HPE
The convergence of IT and OT is happening since many years now but when is it really going to be a fact and what is needed to do so? Leadership roles are critical to IoT success from the start (Jason Mann, SAS, IT and OT debate IOTSWC17) It's certainly not...
Barcelona smart city
From November 14 to 16 it's again all smart cities in Barcelona at the occasion of the 2017 edition of Smart City Expo World Congress where people empowerment, active citizen participation and even participative democracy are omnipresent. Top-down governance approaches are gone for good and we need to shift the...