Email marketing

I’m a strong believer in the power of creative subject lines and headlines. I probably spend way too much time on them, even if the results don’t always live up to the effort put in, I feel compelled to try (emphasis on ‘try’) to make each one perfect. Perhaps I...
In a white paper, Silverpop, sums up 5 expert tips and tactics for email marketing success. Email marketing is evolving and in a multi-channel marketing environment and the paper offers advice regarding the use of social and mobile as well. Let’s take a look at the five tips offered in...
According to part two of eCircle’s European social media and email marketing dtudy, email and social are a powerful combination for marketers. The study reinforces the message that a cross-channel marketing strategy is crucial for success. Email boasts an impressive reach with 90% of respondents in Germany, Italy, France and...