Customer service

Customer disconnect
For many (really many) years now we've been talking about the disconnect with the customer. And the need to reconnect with the customer as the effects of a perfect storm - that's been in the make for decades - started being felt. The disconnect between what we believe as businesses...
In 2006 Jeanne Bliss published "Chief Customer Officer: Getting Past Lip Service to Passionate Action". Since then she has been helping leadership teams and CCOs (Chief Customer Officers) to find their united voice and become customer leaders. As each business (and each market, customer, context, leader, etc.) is different "finding...
As organizations focus more on customer service, the customer experience and, well, anything that's customer-related, there's also an increasing attention for the psychological dimension of business (workers) and customers. Indeed, we have finally discovered that customers are human beings and that the customer experience, just like anything that touches us,...