At the Content Marketing Conference Europe 2014 AJ Huisman hosts a keynote session, titled “Content Marketing? It’s the Law!”.
Getting busy lawyers to blog, tweet and make eBooks is quite a challenge… However at Law Firm Kennedy Van der Laan they managed to do just that in just under three years. AJ Huisman rolled out a complete Content Marketing Strategy for the firm and now they are seeing the results. How did he do it?
We asked AJ Huisman to share a practical tip as a preview to her presentation.
AJ Huisman: Business to Business does not mean Boring to Boring. Dare to be different.
I firmly believe that we have great content and that we go out of our way in communicating this in an entertaining way, when appropriate.
For our 20-year anniversary, we made a video and it was not the boring “founders looking back”-type. We asked ourselves a question: “What if our firm was a 20-year old girl?” what would she do, say, wear, etc. We wrote a script along the lines of our core values and had an actress play “Kennedy Van der Laan”. We showed the video to all our clients at the anniversary event. They loved it and then we also sent all our clients the link embedded in a 360º photo of the event itself.
Safe is not going to get you anywhere, not even if you are a law firm.
As the theme of the conference is creating business value through customer value, using content marketing, we also asked AJ Huisman what is one of the most important ways that content marketing creates value for customers.
AJ Huisman: By definition the Content Marketing that we do for (prospective) clients has to add value for them. If it’s not adding value then we call it Nontent instead of Content.
At my Law Firm we constantly ask our clients what their business issues are and then create content that delivers solutions, insights and inspiration. It should make them think about legal issues that are, or are not, on their radar and solutions. It has to trigger our target audience. And it should make them aware of where they got those incredible intelligent insights from!